Somatics. Creativity. Connection.

By Gabi Gilbride,

Integrative Trauma, Performance, and Creativity Coach

Bring presence back to your life.

We live in an age where everything pulls at our attention, flooding the nervous system and making it feel impossible to authentically connect to anything… especially ourselves. As your coach, it’s my purpose to guide you back to authentic living through connection to yourself. Reawaken your body’s innate ability to thrive. You already have the tools you need, I can just help you remember how to use them.

Bring purpose back to your craft.

Trauma, perfectionism, and burnout stop an artist from creating from a place of freedom and purpose. At the I Am Me Company, Gabi is committed to bringing you back to the joy and authenticity you once experienced in your creative work.

One-on-One Coaching

Somatic Coaching

Are you stuck feeling disconnected from the world around you after experiencing trauma, spinning with anxiety, or navigating the fog of depression? If you found yourself leaning in reading that question then this one-hour coaching session is for you. Get one-on-one time with Gabi directly focused on navigating your specific experience and nervous system. You already intuitively have the tools you need, Gabi just helps you remember how to use them.

Performance Coaching

Does performance anxiety throw you off your A-game as a performer? Or are you constantly in a negative spiral of perfectionism and self-doubt that pulls you away from enjoying your craft? This one-hour coaching session is designed specifically with you in mind. Join Gabi in this one-on-one session where she helps you learn to root into your body to open up your authentically powerful presence while simultaneously strengthening your technique.

Creativity Coaching

When was the last time you made something and enjoyed the process of creating it? Are you facing blocks in your creativity that feel impossible to push through? This one-hour coaching session is meant for you. In this session, Gabi will work with you one-on-one to open up your creative channel leaving you inspired, motivated, and connected to your creative voice.

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.