Meet your coach

Gabi Gilbride, ITC

Gabi is a Los Angeles based actor, creator, singer, and certified integrative trauma coach passionate about helping people reconnect with themselves and their creative power. Through her journey of healing from CPTSD Gabi came to realize how much trauma had influenced her as a human and as a creative. She dealt with debilitating perfectionism, fear, and self-doubt. Once she reconnected with her body these defences began to melt away and she sought to accompany others on their paths toward healing. We heal in community and as a certified integrative trauma coach, Gabi has made it her mission to guide people who have experienced trauma back to the safety of their bodies and the present moment.

  • "Gabi so skillfully noticed the gestures I was making when talking about my ex which led to a massive realization about how much I hadn't processed and was still storing in my body!"

    - Denise K.

  • "Gabi is a stellar actor and a premiere talent. She's reliable, hard-working, and a joy to be around. I can't praise her enough for her ability to efficiently prepare for roles, and the presence she commands on-screen"

    - Zach H.

  • "Gabi is one of the most professional and pleasant people I've ever had the pleasure of sharing a creative space with."

    - Sam B.

  • "Gabi is so inspiring, and makes me feel comfortable in my identity!"

    - Kelia F.

You already have the tools you need - I’m here to help you remember how to use them.

Let’s begin.