You deserve to feel at home in your body. You deserve to experience the here and now.

This work is for YOU…

01 — If You Struggle with Anxiety

Anxiety takes us out of the present moment, throws us into the fears of the future, and when we lack the proper tools it can send us spiralling. As your coach, Gabi uses somatics and mindfulness exercises to provide you with body-based tools that allow your mind to take a break, anytime, anywhere.

02 — If You’re a Perfectionist

There’s nothing wrong with the desire to do a good job. We all want to show up in this world and be seen and recognized for our strengths. However, for some of us, this becomes debilitating. Perfectionism so easily slips in and hijacks our lives. As your coach (and a recovering perfectionist) Gabi can provide you with tools to help uncover the love and self-acceptance you deserve.

03 — If You’ve Experienced Trauma

Life isn’t always easy, and all of us have experienced some degree of trauma. As your coach and someone who has personally been in recovery from CPTSD, Gabi provides sensitivity, empathy, and body-based tools as she supports you on your journey to transform trauma, find safety in your body, and rediscover your freedom in life.

04 — If You Crave Deeper Connections

To yourself, this world, and others. Somatic work grounds us in the present and teaches us how to listen to our bodies and the wisdom they hold. With Gabi as your coach, you’ll be given a dedicated container to practice presence and strengthen your connection to yourself. When we know and are present with ourselves we can truly know and be present with others.

05 — If You Desire Creative Embodiment

One of the -if not THE- most important things for a thriving creative to experience is a flow state. This can only be achieved when we can allow ourselves to exist in the present moment. When we are blocked we lose our connection to whatever creative force is being channeled through us. Gabi not only understands the deep struggle of losing touch with your creative fulfilment but also the torture that comes along with wanting to create but finding yourself unable to as a result of perfectionism, or fear. As your coach, Gabi is committed to helping you rediscover your creative passion and powerful presence.

Take a breath… you’ll notice the change.

Let’s get started.