Pacing Myself this Weekend

Happy Friday!

What are you up to this weekend? 

I’ll be working on things for you, while also attending to some self-care. 

Tonight I have an event scheduled that I’ll be out late for so I know I’ll need to prioritize rest and grounding after living in event energy for a bit. Events are great, but can often leave me feeling a little dysregulated. 

On top of that, I’m at a point right now where I’m having a very hard time pacing myself. I want to make everything. This might seem great, but I know myself and I know that I have to force myself to take breaks, rest, and not overproduce or I won’t be able to sustain myself. 

I’m working on using the creative bursts I get wisely and strategically so I can maintain my energy. For example, using all of my excess creative energy to 1) make videos and 2) work on writing. These are things I DON’T like spending any time on when I’m feeling low energy, so I bust out the bulk of writing projects (posts, script work, etc) and batching videos when I’m vibing creatively and I save things like designing hard posts, compiling quotes, or working on scheduling for when I’m feeling more low energy. 

Understanding my creative cycles and how I can use them to my advantage has been a HUGE help for me on my creative journey and it saves me a lot of anguish. I don’t get down on myself when I don’t feel like I have the energy to work on my scripts or practice a song. Instead, I honor my rhythms and rest. 

I hope you can give yourself the care you need this weekend.

See you soon,

Gabi G.


How Dare You Call Me a Flower


I Feel Embarrassed All. The. Time.